’Horhosok útja’ steep, washed-out hollow trail - ’Horhosok útja’ steep, washed-out hollow trail

However, you can witness that artificial setting and nature can combine in wonderful and peaceful harmony on any of the 3 trails created along washed-out hollow ways, the “horhosok”. Make sure to begin at the trail-starting map in front of the Imre Izsák Primary School. Go either on foot or by bike, seven boards will show you the way over the course of your trip and tell you about treasures to notice, be it parts of the local flora and fauna or our cultural heritage!
The starting point of the ‘Horhosok Útja’ trail is in all cases the square in front of the primary school in Csácsbozsok. The institute functions as a cultural centre and a social place, and was named after the renowned astronomer, who was born in our city.
The current house of prayers was consecrated as Transfiguration of Jesus Chapel. A small church already stood here in the vineyard in the middle of the 18th century. The hill chapel standing today was built in a baroque style, supposedly in the 19th century.
A towered building in front of a facade, impressive in its simplicity, awaits the worshippers – many remember the masses for spiritual engrossment and the season-ending festivities, which were organized in the chapel’s garden to bring the community together. The cross in front of the chapel and the Mother Mary sculpture placed in the side chamber of the building were renovated in 2014 – a year later a carved wooden sculpture was erected for Saint Orban, the patron saint of the grape farmers.
A pince Cserlapdűlőn, egy többhektáros dámszarvaskert szívében fekszik. Folyamatosan bővülő, jelenleg 1 hektáros szőlőbirtok 4000 tőkéje adja a fürtöket, melyekből a kézműves pincében kóstolható a helyben készült zamatos nedű.
“Where the sounds of silence can be heard, too.” – people say about the chapel, which got its name from King Saint Stephen. A festive mass has been held in the chapel on the 20 th of
August every year for nearly one and a half centuries. The course of building and origins have been shattered by time. The chapel of Henye-hill stands on 288 meters, at the highest point of Kápolnahegy, the hillside connecting Petőhenye with Zalaegerszeg. There is a beautiful panoramic view to the county seat and the hills of Zala from here.
It is no coincidence that the “Horhosok útja” trail is nearby, as well.
In the eastern part of Zalaegerszeg, in the Petting Zoo in Csács-hills, you can see or even pet exotic animals like a kangaroo, a lion, a camel, a monkey, a llama, an emu, and we could go on and on. This place has a special mission: among other types, former circus animals are looked after here. Visitors can have fun on the playground, trampoline, carousel and have a chance to cook outdoors.
A Csácsi-hegy alatti erdőben rejtőző, már-már elfeledett forrás fogadja az erre járókat. Évszázadokon át használták az itt élők ezt a kutat, már Szent István király korában is említést tettek róla. A múlt század elején beton kútházat építettek a forrás fölé, pár éve esőtől védő pihenőt alakítottak ki mellette a bakancsos turistáknak.
According to the legend, you can find even the fountain of youth and eternal life. It is sure that long ago in the shadows of beech trees, three springs used to trickle. The Maria shrine was built at their meeting point in 1934, which has become a popular place for trekking and pilgrimages.
Its establishment was supported by József Mindszenty, the vicar of Esztergom.
The water of the spring was examined in August 2008, and it turned out to be mineral water quality.