Page Title: Interesting

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null Maria Magdalena Parish Church
A Top 15 zalaegerszegi látnivalóÉpített örökségünk

It is no exaggeration to say that this baroque building is our city’s most monumental church, though how could we ever hope to exceed the praise of literary man and academician Dezső Keresztury, who was born in our city: “(…) artistically the most significant building of the town (…). It was constructed in the difficult, but in all its raggedness still alluring style of the Transdanubian baroque, and sat there extensively, lying low in the city centre like an attentive hen.”
A church stood here even in the 13th century, around whose walls the building with the two towers was built from 1747 to 1769. József Mindszenty served here as a parson at the beginning of his career.

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