Nyári garantált séták 2025-ben is!
Mindszentyneum – Mindszenty József Látogatóközpont
Tekintse meg Mindszenty József életútját és a kommunista diktatúra alatti egyházüldözés időszakát bemutató kiállításokat!
Göcseji Múzeum
Az intézmény megújult épületében Zalaegerszeg város múltjának világa tárul fel.
The village museum of Göcsej
Relax your body and soul, slow down and relish the country’s first outdoor ethnographic museum, the Göcsej Skanzen, lying at the backwater of the River Zala, a mesmerizing natural environment. Not only can you enjoy the benefits of a pleasant and healthy stroll, but you can also get to know the country’s most archaic region, Göcsej, which existed untouched, in almost complete seclusion for the longest time. As remote this area used to be, it is now just as open: roam the lands of Göcsej, pet the animals, and you may even take a look inside the mill, which still stands in its original place.
Concert and Exhibition Hall
Here you can take a glimpse at the history of the local Jewish community in Zalaergerszeg, our architectural legacy, spherical spires, colourful windows. Do not miss this fascinating and impressive institution, as not only is it historically significant, but it is also one of the centre points of the city both geographically and architecturally. Therefore, together with its concerts, it is the heart of local cultural life.
The building is a great example of the eclectic synagogue-architecture, long ago its interior used to be decorated with colourful paintwork and stuccoes. It lost its religious function after the world war, and has been renovated and used as a concert and exhibition hall since 1983. Beside the temporary exhibitions, a composition about the history of the town’s Jewish community can be viewed on its upper floor, where the main point of interest is the floor map.
Zalaegerszeg, where you find experiences!
Discover Zalaegerszeg’s attractions and points of interest! Be the first to learn about our current events, delve into cultural delights, get to know our traditions, experience our hospitality, party at the festival in the city centre, cheer with us, roam the hills and forests surrounding our city, take a dip in our waters, and taste the flavours of Zala – get a small taste of what awaits You in Zalaegerszeg!
You can shape the city according to your likes with the e-City application: find the most suitable pastime for you, collect points, experience adventures!
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A zalaegerszegi Tourinform iroda 2025 nyarán is izgalmas városnéző barangolásokkal készül!
Nem maradsz szórakoztató témák nélkül, hiszen folytatják a kultúra, a gasztronómia és a különleges történetek felfedezését!
Ne maradj le a nyári sétákról! Írd be a naptáradba az időpontokat, és hozd magaddal barátaidat, családtagjaidat – oszd meg az élményt másokkal is!